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Social media regulation needed to protect children

social media regulation needed to protect children business manchester

A leading expert on children’s online rights has advocated for the regulation of social media companies to safeguard young users.

Sonia Livingstone, a Professor of Social Psychology, emphasised the importance of better platform design and governmental intervention to protect children from digital risks.

Challenges of Identifying Misinformation

Professor Sonia Livingstone from the London School of Economics has highlighted the difficulty children face in identifying misinformation on social media. Much of the context is stripped away, making it challenging for youngsters to assess the significance of news. “Kids get much more of their news on social media [than adults] and they haven’t had that kind of history of applying context to what they are reading,” she remarked.

High-Profile News Awareness

Livingstone advocates for user testing with children and the provision of child-friendly help services for digital products. She believes platforms should consider potential child users from the outset.

Need for Dedicated Helplines

Livingstone suggested that a service similar to Australia’s e-commissioner could be beneficial. This would provide children with a point of contact for resolving issues effectively.

The Role of Safer Internet Centres

Such helplines could fall under the Information Commissioner’s Office, focusing on data protection issues, but Childline’s expertise in dealing with children makes it a suitable candidate.

Balancing the Pros and Cons of Technology

For children who are marginalised or have existing problems, the internet often compounds their issues. Livingstone stressed the importance of addressing these concerns to create a safer digital environment.

The Call for Comprehensive Regulation

Livingstone’s comments underline the urgent need for regulatory measures to protect children’s online experiences. She believes that proactive design and regulation can significantly enhance digital safety.

A Shared Responsibility

Livingstone concluded by emphasising the shared responsibility of governments, companies, and society in ensuring children’s online safety. She advocates for coordinated efforts to address the complexities of the digital age.

The necessity for social media regulation to protect children is becoming increasingly clear. Sonia Livingstone’s insights highlight the challenges and potential solutions in creating a safer digital environment for young users.

Governments, platforms, and society must collaborate to ensure that children can navigate the online world safely and benefit from technological advancements without undue risks.

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