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IoT Boosts Home Automation Firms Growth

iot boosts home automation firms growth business manchester

Knutsford-based home automation company has experienced substantial year-on-year growth due to the rising popularity of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. The firm specialises in intelligent building technologies, enabling users to automate their homes by modifying lighting, ambiance, and temperature.

The company has achieved a 30 per cent growth rate annually, driven by increasing demand for IoT solutions. This growth has enabled the firm to expand its team, adding five new roles in engineering and project support. Working across various locations in the UK, including London, Manchester, and Glasgow, the company has recently secured high-profile clients such as The Ivy, a well-known restaurant, and Annabel’s night club.

Paul Murphy, the director and co-founder, stated, “As the reality of smart homes and buildings becomes tangible, we’re seeing unprecedented demand from the hospitality sector as it too looks to deliver the intelligent and reactive environment consumers are increasingly expecting.” He emphasised that the new appointments would help to strengthen the team, allowing the company to continue its ambitious growth plans. The ultimate aim is to become the leading supplier of advanced building systems in both the commercial and high-end residential markets.

With the growing acceptance of smart technology in everyday life, the company is positioned to offer innovative solutions that meet modern consumer expectations. Therefore, the firm is set to capitalise on the burgeoning IoT industry, ensuring sustained growth and market relevance.

The ongoing surge in IoT adoption is poised to further drive the company’s success, solidifying its status as a key player in the smart automation industry.

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