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Businesses to take data ownership seriously in 2019

businesses to take data ownership seriously in 2019 business manchester

In 2018, several high-profile cybersecurity breaches highlighted the vulnerabilities that many organisations face. Companies are now realising the importance of taking data ownership seriously.

As we move into 2019, the focus on data security and management is expected to intensify. Businesses are preparing to allocate significant resources to ensure their data is secure and compliant with regulations.

Increasing Necessity for Data Ownership

The need for businesses to clamp down on data ownership has never been more pressing. In 2018, several high-profile cybersecurity breaches underscored the vulnerabilities that organisations face. With incidents such as the Marriott and British Airways hacks, it’s clear no company is immune. These breaches have heightened awareness among businesses about the importance of securing sensitive information.

Impact of GDPR

The implementation of GDPR in 2018 marked a significant shift in how companies manage data. Tommaso Crackett describes it as a ‘watershed moment’ that compelled organisations to re-evaluate the data they collect and store. Businesses have become acutely aware of their responsibilities, driven by the hefty fines and reputational damage they could incur.

Focus on Cyber Prevention

In 2019, companies are expected to allocate substantial resources towards cybersecurity. Instead of reacting to breaches, organisations are aiming to prevent them from occurring in the first place. The goal is not only to avoid financial penalties but also to protect their reputations from the lasting damage caused by data breaches.

Preventative measures are seen as essential investments. Companies are looking for tech solutions that can swiftly process and analyse data to identify potential threats. By investing in these technologies, businesses hope to stay one step ahead of hackers.

The rapid advancement in tech solutions means that there are now more tools available than ever before. These tools help businesses to manage and secure their data proactively. By leveraging these technologies, companies can mitigate risks and enhance their cybersecurity posture.

Valuable Insights from Data

One of the key concerns for businesses is distinguishing between valuable and ineffective data. According to Crackett, the objective is to identify which data can yield important insights and which should be discarded. This process is critical not only for security but also for operational efficiency.

Businesses are now realising the potential of their data assets. By harnessing the right tech solutions, they can convert raw data into actionable insights. This transformation allows companies to make more informed decisions and gain competitive advantages.

The ability to process and analyse data quickly is crucial. As the volume of data grows, so does the challenge of managing it effectively. Advanced data analytics tools are therefore becoming indispensable for businesses striving to maintain a competitive edge.

Challenges and Solutions

Despite the advancements in technology, businesses still face numerous challenges in data management. The complexity of integrating new solutions with existing systems is one such hurdle. Companies need to ensure that their tech infrastructure can support advanced data analytics tools.

Another major challenge is data privacy. With the introduction of stricter regulations, businesses must navigate a complex landscape to ensure compliance. This requires not only technological solutions but also a thorough understanding of legal obligations.

In light of these challenges, businesses are advised to adopt a holistic approach to data management. This involves integrating technology, legal expertise, and strategic planning. By doing so, they can create a robust framework that addresses both security and compliance issues.

Future Trends in Data Ownership

Looking ahead, the trend towards greater data ownership and security is expected to continue. As businesses become more data-driven, the need for effective data management strategies will only increase. This will likely drive further innovation in tech solutions dedicated to data security and analytics.

The focus is shifting towards creating more resilient systems. Businesses are not just aiming to prevent breaches but also to ensure that they can recover quickly if an incident occurs. This resilience is key to maintaining operational continuity and ensuring long-term success.

Investing in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning is also becoming a priority. These technologies offer advanced capabilities for data analysis and threat detection, making them invaluable assets in the fight against cyber threats.

The Role of Stakeholders

Stakeholders, including investors and customers, play a crucial role in how businesses approach data ownership. Their expectations and demands for greater transparency and security are driving companies to adopt more stringent data management practices.

For investors, the focus is on the long-term viability of the business. They want to ensure that companies can not only survive but thrive in a data-centric world. This means prioritising investments in technologies and strategies that enhance data security.

Customers, on the other hand, are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of data privacy. They expect businesses to protect their personal information and are more likely to trust companies that demonstrate a commitment to data security.

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, 2019 is set to be a pivotal year for data ownership. Businesses are recognising the importance of securing their data assets and are investing heavily in technologies and strategies to achieve this goal. With the growing emphasis on data security, companies can protect their reputation and gain a competitive edge in an increasingly data-driven world.

Businesses must adapt to the new data security landscape. By investing in advanced technologies and adopting comprehensive data management strategies, they can safeguard their information and maintain customer trust.

The importance of data ownership cannot be overstated. As companies continue to navigate the complexities of data security, their efforts in 2019 will set the foundation for long-term success.

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