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UK Children’s Parliament Top Team Interviews AI Visionary Emad Mostaque, Sparking Groundbreaking Taskforce

uk childrens parliament top team interviews ai visionary emad mostaque sparking groundbreaking taskforce business manchester

In a historic meeting at the House of Lords, the UK Children’s Parliament held a significant dialogue with Emad Mostaque, Co-founder of Stability AI and now Schelling AI. This interaction led to the formation of a groundbreaking taskforce on AI and digital safety.

The young leaders, including Child Prime Minister Clark Dearson, Child Chancellor Aryan Shekar, and Child Deputy Prime Minister Naila Seetal, explored the future of AI with Mostaque, highlighting its potential impact on their generation. Their engaging discussion covered topics like the accessibility and ethical implications of AI tools.

A Meeting of Minds

During the discussion in Baroness Uddin’s office, the children posed insightful questions to Mostaque. The topics ranged from the accessibility of AI tools to ethical considerations and the impact on future job markets.

Mostaque highlighted the significance of children’s perspectives in shaping AI, noting that this generation will grow up as AI natives. ‘You’ll be using this technology every single day,’ he said, emphasising the importance of their voices.

Formation of a New Taskforce

This exchange prompted the establishment of a special taskforce on AI and digital safety by the UK Children’s Parliament. Spearheaded by Baroness Uddin, the taskforce aims to place children’s voices at the forefront of AI policy-making.

The taskforce will combine primary-aged children with adult industry leaders, facilitating unique intergenerational dialogue and collaboration.

Topics of Discussion

The Child MPs raised questions on the accessibility of AI tools. Mostaque explained how children can create their own AI applications easily, such as homework helpers, by simply instructing the AI.

Such advancements have removed many of the barriers to coding, allowing creative freedom even at a young age. ‘It’s removed lots of barriers to coding,’ Mostaque stated, ‘Enabling you to correct your code and make video games and more.’

Concerns about AI’s impact on future job markets were addressed by Mostaque. He acknowledged these fears but pointed out that technological revolutions always create new job opportunities.

Key Focus Areas

The newly formed taskforce will concentrate on several important areas like ethical considerations in AI development, digital literacy education, and ensuring diverse representation in AI.

Promoting transparency and accountability in AI systems is another focus. The taskforce will explore how AI can enhance educational experiences while addressing privacy and data protection concerns for young users.

Ensuring Digital Safety

Baroness Uddin, commenting on the initiative, emphasised that the taskforce is crucial for ensuring children’s voices are heard in the evolving digital landscape. The collaboration aims to create a safer, more inclusive digital future.

‘By uniting primary-aged children with adult industry leaders, we aim to create policies that will shape a more inclusive digital future for all,’ she stated.

Child Prime Minister’s Enthusiasm

Child Prime Minister Clark Dearson expressed excitement about the project. ‘As children, we’re growing up with this technology, and it’s important that we have a say in how it’s developed and used,’ he said.

Dearson is eager to collaborate with experts and other children to ensure AI is safe and beneficial for everyone.

Building on Previous Sessions

This taskforce builds on momentum from a previous Children’s Parliament session held at the House of Lords in April 2023. That session involved dialogues with executives from major companies, reinforcing the value of young voices.

The taskforce will keep engaging with AI developers, policymakers, and educators to prioritise children’s interests and safety.

The UK Children’s Parliament Taskforce on AI and digital safety marks a critical step in recognising children’s roles in the future of technology. Their insights will be invaluable.

This collaboration promises innovative solutions to the challenges and opportunities presented by AI, ensuring that the youngest members of society benefit from these advancements while staying safe.

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